If you are wondering whether a part time job during your first year at university is worth the extra effort and time, then take into consideration the positives and negatives of such a choice. This article brings forward some of these in hope to clarify a bit more...
With summer approaching fast, it’s still not too late to make plans if you don’t have any. One option would be to do some volunteering either within the UK or abroad. You could get free food and accommodation in exchange for labour, all while doing some...
Surfing the internet for anything that can help you improve and enjoy your student life can lead you to stumbling upon websites which have no credibility and foundation to what they are claiming. In order to prevent this, you can find below some trustworthy student...
Generally speaking, the cost of having your own car while at university is quite high. Public transport is much cheaper and faster as well; considering the existence of bus lanes and underground transport. However, if you decide that you want to have a car in order to...
As I mentioned in one of my previous articles; being a student has its privileges when it comes to shopping of any kind. As long as you have proof of being a student, i.e. your student card or NUS card, you could benefit from these privileges. This article sheds some...