If you are wondering whether a part time job during your first year at university is worth the extra effort and time, then take into consideration the positives and negatives of such a choice. This article brings forward some of these in hope to clarify a bit more what part-time working requires and entails.
The Money
This is perhaps the first thing that crosses your mind when you consider a job: “How much money will I get paid?”, “What can I do with it?”. Most students choose to work not just because they want some working experience and extra skills to draw upon when searching for graduates jobs, but because they may have to support themselves at university and the loans they have do not cover their expenses. Either way, this leads to the next advantage that I was about to mention:
The Financial Independence
Earning some extra money means that you can spend it on the things you need but also treat yourself. If you feel like spoiling yourself, there is no mom and dad to dictate that you shouldn’t really take that trip to Barcelona – you are the one that worked for the money. Thus, as long as you have sufficient funds for the basics, you can feel free to sometimes indulge in small luxuries.
New Friends
Having a job also means meeting new people, some which may also be studying at the same university as you. This is a good chance for you to network and befriend these people: you could have your nights out with your work mates.
Something To Do
The first year course materials would most probably not require intense studying and as first year grades do not count to your graduation results, you will find yourself with plenty of free time, thinking of something beneficial to do. Part time working is one of those things and in most cases, it definitely drives away that boredom feeling.
Boosts Your CV
While you would be working part time for all reasons mentioned above, why not mention it in your CV as well? Having a job during your first year shows how responsible and reliable you are and adds to your time management skills for sure. This will definitely improve your prospects of getting an even better job in subsequent years.
A Commitment
Jobs require effort from you and just like with your studies, you will have to be at your work place consistently and on time. This means that you sometimes have to ignore that headache or stomach bug you have as you will rarely be able to miss work. If you do not show up for work regularly, you may be deemed unreliable and could even find yourself without a job in extreme cases.
On the other hand, your time as a fresher should be enjoyed to the maximum and if you do so, you may find that during exam period, you would have to study every lecture and workshop you missed and still respect your job’s timetable. This adds extra stress to your lifestyle, so you may as well be better off without a job if you cannot cope with such a workload.
Losing Out On Time To Socialise
While I know I said that you get to know more people at your work place, you may be losing contact with the people from your same course or society you are part of. It may so happen that one of your shifts coincides with your spring ball or a social event you would really like to attend. Therefore, a job may steal some of the fun nights you could have.
Flexible Schedule
Not having a job allows for more free time for yourself. There is your university timetable you have to commit to, but other than that, your evenings are free to explore the city, go out for drinks or to the movies.
As you can see, there is a lot to be considered when you decide whether you want to commit to a part time job. It is really up to you whether you would like to have one during your first year at university, leave it for subsequent years or just get a full time job after graduating.