With the summer exams approaching soon, panic sets in for students and raises questions of how well they will do and if they will pass. Those who are sitting their exams for their third or fourth time become a little blasé as they think that they can pull an all-nighter just before the exam and get a grasp of the topic within 24 hours. This cannot be healthy at all as university is more than testing your knowledge; it is also about building your knowledge. Cramming before an exam will not do you any good and will not give you the results you desire. Take a look at our blog article and find some tips on how to survive this troubling period.

1. Do ask your Tutors and Lectures about Anything

Whilst studying you may have questions. The best thing to do is ask your tutors about these while also mentioning how you feel is the best way to answer this in your exam. Your tutors will most likely offer some feedback and reveal more tips about how to pass their exam with a high grade.

2. Be Prepared

For a good study session you would have to stick to your to do list if you have one, if not, make one as soon as possible. Make sure you also practice with some of the available past papers, this can be a huge benefit in your exams.

3. Exercise and be Healthy

You may think that for the exam period all that matters is sleeping, eating and studying. As your mind needs a break, so does your body. Whether it is yoga, jogging, boxing or swimming, anything that could relax your body will do wonders for your peace of mind as well. Moreover, while your body requires carbohydrates to keep up your energy, there is no need to turn away from eating heathy and resort to sweets, pastry and chocolate only.

4. Do not Hate Exams

Yes, you may complain as studying and revising does imply some intellectual effort, but look forward to your exams. Think of them as your chance to prove what you know, use them as an opportunity to prove what you excel at. In this way, you may discover a passion for a particular topic/subject and know how to pick your modules in the following year.

5. All-nighters?

If you start studying and revising at least one month before the exam, then you will not need to pull an all-nighter because there is some material you have not covered for your exam. Decide to study all night only if you feel that it is worth the effort, but beware as an all-nighter can mess up your ability to focus and stay awake during the day. Therefore, only in extreme cases should you resort to a sleepless night in the library.

6. Relax

Take those well-deserved breaks from studying together with your friends and choose to go for a picnic or go out in the evening. You deserve it!

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